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Twice daily, R' Eli Stefansky brings the Daf Yomi to life, directly to you! Hosted on a myriad of platforms, it has never been easier to learn and understand the Daf .


This interactive, educational and in-depth shiur is only possible with the help of R' Eli's amazing team. They work tirelessly day and night making sure all aspects of the shiur are attended to.

Please help support those that support Torah! From paying the rent, to having the proper camera and Internet hookups, to supporting the MDY Kollel, the costs of running this project are enormous!


Be a part of this amazing family by contributing ANY amount you wish on a monthly basis!  Your contribution goes directly to support the Mercaz Daf Yomi center, and more specifically, to the people behind the scenes that make it all happen.



Please make sure to check the Monthly Donation option!


Shiur is given in the Newly Dedicated Beis Medrash every morning at 7:15-8:00am (Su-F) and at 9:15-10:00pm (Su-Th) Israel Time and streamed live on Zoom.


For a unique and engaging Daf yomi Shiur by the indefatigable and entertaining Rav Eli Stefansky. Join now for some high powered Torah!

See you then!


Please reach out to us!

We love hearing from our World Wide MDY Family!


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Thank You

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